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Business Listings DAMAAN ENGINEERING&SERVICES (Pvt.)Ltd (051-4308819, 03335085096) Generator Service, DAMAAN ENGINEERING & SERVICES (PVT) LTD An ISO certified engineering Company having professional team of technical people and keeps a good reputation amount its customers. Offices 1.) Lahore 2.) Islamab... Meezan Bank There are three branches of meezan bank in quetta.One of this is situated at Mannan chowk Jinnah Science Coaching Center Quetta "come to gain and leave to serve" Jinnah Science Coaching Center New Killi Quetta ,Vigoursly announces free admission for class five to 9th and 10th till FSC. under the supervion of highly qualified teachers from karachi special focus on scientific ... Lady Doctor Lady Doctors(OPD) and Female gynecologist is required for Dr. Syed Abdur Razaq Jilani Clinic and Pharmacy. Past work experience in OBS-GYNE and PEDS would be preferred. Candidates should have an MBBS with a valid PMDC license and at least 3-5 years... Sardar Bahadur Khan Women's University Quetta Introduction: Since 1953, the Sardar Bahadur Khan Sanatorium on Brewery Road had been providing shelter to patients. On March 18 , 2004 the Building was witness to a historic transformation where it was given the status of Balochistan 's first , a... |