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Business Listings Game View Studios Lahore Gameview Studios is a leading publisher of free-to-play games for iOS, Android and other mobile platforms. Founded in 2010, Gameview is committed to building high-quality games that are social, engaging and fun for audiences of all ages. The company ... Prince Burger All kinds of Burger available here Lady sandeman School it's a Govt school for girls from 1st to 10th class Allied Bank Allied Bank Pashtoonabaad Branch Gawalmandi Chowak Quetta Branch Code: 0140705 Allied Bank is a commercial bank in Pakistan. Allied Bank, with its registered Offices in Karachi and Lahore, is one of the largest banks within the country with over 90... University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (UET) The University of Engineering and Technology (main) located in the northern part of Lahore on the historical "Grand Trunk Road (G.T. Road)", near the magnificent Shalimar Gardens built during the great Mughal Empire. The institution started its care... |