.My heart says that you like me,
My eyes says that you feel something for me, My mind says that you think of me, But till now you are quiet‚¦ .
.Ur 5 qualities: 1--------- 2--------- 3--------- 4--------- 5--------- Agar zindagi main kabhi koi acha kam kia hota to aj ye jaga khali na hoti .
.Saying GoodNight is not just putting an end to a day. Its a way of saying , I remember u before i go 2 sleep. Hope u can feel the care that goes with it.... GOOD NIGHT.. .
.The stars are out, The moon is up, 1 more Hug, 1 more smile, Kiss you once, Kiss you twice Now it's time 4 bed. Close ur eyes n sleep tight Good night .
.G-o to bed O-ff the lights O-ut of tensions D-reams come N-ice sleep I-gnore worries G-et up early H-ave a nice day T-hank God always .
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