AIOU places roll number slips of students on website

  • October 24, 2013, 9:21 pm
  • Education News

ISLAMABAD, Oct 24 (APP): Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has placed roll number slips of the students for Matric to BA level exams on its website to facilitate the students.
Controller of Examinations, AIOU Dr Hamid Khan Niazi said that final exams of Matric, FA/F.Sc and BA programmes for the Semester Spring, 2013 will start from October 28.
Dr Niazi said that the university has established 650 exams centres across the country for its Matric, FA/F.Sc and BA exams for the Semester Spring, 2013.
Roll number slips, he said have already been sent by post to all the
enrolled students at their given address.
The students can also download their roll number slips from website of the university.
Controller of Exams has advised those students who have not received their roll umber slips so far to contact the nearest Regional Office of the University or Abid Hussain Satti, Deputy Controller of Exams (Conduct) personally or at his Ph.No. 051-9250051, 9057648 for issuance of Duplicate Roll No Slip.
For duplicate Roll No Slip students are required to bring two passport size photographs duly attested by the gazetted officer, he added.
The students must read the instructions mentioned on Roll No. Slip
carefully before entering into the Examination Center, Dr. Niazi said.