AIOU’s admission forms available from its countrywide regional campuses

  • January 23, 2014, 7:46 pm
  • Education News

Islamabad , Jan 23 (Online): Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has started its SSC to Master level admissions for the Semester Spring, 2014, prospectus and admission forms are available from the sale points of University’s main campus in Sector H-8, Islamabad and its country-wide Regional Campuses and Coordinating Offices.

This was announced by Director Admissions, Syed Zia-ul-Hasnain. He said the admission forms along-with prescribed fee can be submitted in countrywide branches of Bank Al-Falah, Habib Bank Ltd, First Women Bank and Allied Bank and in the nominated branches of National Bank of Pakistan and Muslim Commercial Bank.
Director Admissions said that the admission forms and prospectus of Matric, FA and BA level programmes for Pakistanis in the Middle-East can be obtained / download from website of the University. Computerized admission forms have been sent to all the continuing students as well as they can also download the continuing admission form from website of the University.
The admissions of M.Sc is being offered in Forestry Extension. The admissions of M.Com, Commonwealth of Learning MBA/MPA, MA in Distance and Non-formal Education, Secondary Teacher Education, Science Education and Special Education while the admissions of M.Ed are being offered in Master in Distance and Non-formal Education, SecondaryTeacher Education, Science Education and Special Education.
The admissions in Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Planning and Management, Teaching of English as a Foreign Language(TEFL), Computer Science (On line) and Youth Development Work are included. At the level of Bachelor, B.Com, Mass Communication, BA, BLIS while the admissions of FA, I.Com, FSc (Pre-Engineering), FSc (Pre-Medical) and Matric programmes are also being offered.
In Teacher Training Programme, the admissions of ATTC and CT, In Dars-e-Nizami the admissions of Matric, FA and BA,6-Months duration of Certificate Courses, agricultural courses and 3-months duration of Short Term Educational Programmes are being offered.
Further detail about these admissions can be obtained from Information Management Unit, Admission Department at Ph. No.051-9057151. The candidates can also contact for further information about Teacher Training Programmes on 051-9057428, Secondary Programmes on 051-9057431, Higher Secondary on 051-9057432, Bachelor Programmes on 051-9057435 while the Postgraduate Programmes on 051-9057422.
In addition, Controller of Exams, Dr. Hamid Khan Niazi said that results of ATTC, CT, PTC, B.Ed. Matric, FA and some postgraduate level programmes for the Semester Spring, 2013 have been declared while results of BA programme will be declared soon. He said that as per instructions of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Nazir Ahmed Sangi, the examination department is planning to set-up Exam Centers in every nook and corner of the country prior to commencement of next exams, ensuring equal access to quality education and have exams facility to each the student at the nearest places.