Nation wants talks success for peace: JI

  • February 6, 2014, 8:35 pm
  • National News

LAHORE, Feb. 6 (Online): Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Syed Munawar Hasan, has said that the nation earnestly desired success of the talks with the Taliban as was essential for restoration of peace.

In a statement here on Thursday, he said that the government attitude so far had been positive which had given a hope to the masses for the better. He also urged the Talian to brush aside their apprehensions and reservations and hold talks with an open heart and mind.

He said the committees on both sides would have to demonstrate extraordinary patience and tolerance and the whole effort should be on focusing on the real issue insead of indulging in differences of minor nature.

He however warned that in case the talks got suspended or met failure, the forces desiring chaos and anarchy in the region would be victorious.

Syed Munawar Hasan said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s unexpected announcement to go ahead with talks with the Taliban had stunned the secular and pro-US lobby and they were nonplussed.

The elements who had been working on the US agenda to plunge the country into chaos were disappointed. He said now it was the duty of the government and the Taliban to sit on the negotiation table with an open mind and resolve the whole problem in a healthy spirit so that the enemy plans were foiled.

The JI Ameer said that as long as the US remained in the region, conspiracies against PaKISTAN would continue. He said the larger national interest demanded that the government ignored the US pressure and make every effrort to make the talks result orpiented.

Syed Munawar Hasan also stressed upon the pro- Tliban forces in the country to play their full role for the success of the talks. He said it was the responsibility of every citizen to cooperate in the maintenance of peace and the supremacy of the law, and added that this was the way to end anarchy abd lawlessness.

He said that the nation that had been ruined due to decades long terrorism had its eyes on the talks. The government, too should demonsrtrate largehearted ness and remove the hurdles in the way of the talks.

The JI Ameer also made an appeal to the elecrtronic and print media to be extra careful in regard to the news regarding talks and avoid unnecessary debates on the basis of presumptions.