PU exams schedule

  • April 10, 2014, 9:26 pm
  • Education News

LAHORE, April 10 (Online): Punjab University Examinations Department has issued the schedules for submission of admission fee & forms for Medical Diplomas including D.A, D.O.M.S, D.M.R.D, & D.M.R.T Part-II annual examination 2012 and D.C.H & D.T.C.D annual examination 2012.

According to the details, the last date for submission of admission forms with single fee is 25-04-2014 while the forms can be submitted with double fee till 28-04-2014. Commencement dates of the said exams are May 15th 2014. Detailed schedule is also available at PU website www.pu.edu.pk.