World Haemophilia Day today (17th April)
- April 16, 2014, 8:34 pm
- Health News
ISLAMABAD, Apr 16 (INP): World Haemophilia Day is being observed tomorrow, 17th April in Pakistan and other parts of the world. It’s a non-curable blood disease but through in time diagnose and cure it can be handled and patient can get rrlief.
This day is celebrated every year to show solidarity with the children who suffer from Haemophilia throughout the world.
Haemophilia is a hereditary bleeding disorder occurring most often in males who inherit it from their mothers. It rarely occurs in females or in those without a family history of the disease
Of all the registered patients in Pakistan, 80 % suffer from Hemophilia-A. Hemophilia is treated with factor concentrate, fresh frozen plasma or cryoprecipitate. The average cost of treatment for one patient comes to almost Rs 100,000 per year.
The Pakistan Hemophilia Patients Welfare Society (PHPWS) is a dynamic voluntary, non- profit philanthropic organization established by the people with Hemophilia, for the people with Hemophilia, supported by the collective efforts of a group of dedicated and committed medical specialists. The Society is a National Member Organization of the World Federation of Hemophilia ( WFH ), the headquarter of which is in Montreal, Canada. The National Council for Social Welfare has granted it a national status.
The PHPWS was setup with an objective to help Hemophilia patients from Rawalpindi, Islamabad districts and the Northern Region. However, within a short span, it has reached out to patients all over Pakistan, establishing Chapters in all the four Provinces, AJK and one in Islamabad. It has developed a network with local NGOs supporting similar initiatives for the prevention, management and rehabilitation of the hemophiliac patients.
This year the World Haemophilia Day is being celebrated by the Children of SWEET HOMES to show their complete support for the Haemophilic Children.