CII rejects Women Rights Act 2006

  • September 19, 2013, 7:46 pm
  • National News

ISLAMABAD, Sep 19 (Online): Council for Islamic Ideology (CII) has rejected the Women Rights Act 2006 declaring it controversial and against Quran and Sunnah.

Sources from CCI said, meeting of the council was held on Thursday under Chairman CCI Mohammad Khan Shirani in Islamabad, where Women Rights Act 2006 including other important matters were discussed.

Rejecting the act, CCI said, “ Because Women Rights Act 2006 has been made on the will of non governmental organizations and it also includes certain provisions which are against Quran and Sunnah, that is why it is essential to review this act”.

Council stated, Act made on the will of non-governmental organizations is unacceptable and is being rejected, while in this regard recommendations will be sent to federal government very soon.