
  • February 12, 2015, 9:49 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA Feb 12 (PPI): When any society reaches at peak with regard to decline from that points process of its reform also start at the same time. Making up sins regarding education has reached.
These views were expressed by Balochistan Chief Minister Dr Abdul Malik Baloch while addressing a seminar about awareness on cheating here Thursday.
He said cheating has ruined future of our nation and young generation. We have to take measures against destructive culture of cheating keeping in view realism and truth. He said securing degrees to meet demands of 21 st Century is not enough but students have to equip them with knowledge, wisdom and higher education. Securing degrees through cheating is self deceive. He aid healthy society is there steps for self reform should be taken by feeling ashamed on cheating, corruption, nepotism, maladministration and social ills.
He said without development of human resources dream of progress and prosperity cannot be materialized. He aid allocation of huge amounts for education in the budget is to push Balochistan form backwardness and making it able where our children could face today?s challenges.
He declared provincial government would appoint 4000 teachers against vacant posts on merit through NTS.
He said a modern system was being introduced to ensure attendance of teachers and students. Government would not make any compromise on absent of teachers at any cost. It is hoped that parents, students and civil society would not only keep vigil on the absence of teachers would insist teachers on their presence at the schools.
Malik Baloch announced provincial government has launched school bharo (fill the schools) movement because education is only basic formula for development and prosperity. It is our desire no student is left out of school and deprived of education. He asked teachers, local bodies representatives, MPA, MNAs, provincial ministers would extend help in this good work.
Referring to steps taken in health sector Chief Minister said that steps were being taken to minimize infant and mother mortality ratio in the province, activation of operation theatres in all the districts and posting of lady doctors. Any doctors would not present at place of his duty action would be taken against him under the rule and such non serious doctors would be sacked from service with immediate effect.
Referring to rehabilitation of drug addicts and drug sellers he said government was taking action against drug sellers.
Earlier Chief Minister led rally on awareness against cheating. It stated from Government Girls Degree College and terminated at Boy Scouts Headquarters.
Provincial Ministers, Advisers, MPAs, Chief Secretary, provincial secretaries, representatives of teachers associations and civil society representatives attended.