New strategy devised for making anti-polio drive more effective Elected councilors and other public representatives to be engaged in immunization campaigns

  • March 4, 2015, 10:44 pm
  • Breaking News

HQ City Report

QUETTA: The provincial Health Department has devised new strategy for making the polio immunization campaign more effective in the province.
Under the plan, the elected representatives of the union council level would be engaged in the anti-polio initiatives.
A meeting was held to review the strategy devised for eradication of polio in the province, with the Secretary Health, Noorul Haq Baloch in the chair the other day.
Those who attended the meeting were included the representatives of UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO), besides other concerned donor agencies and officials.
The meeting also reviewed the suspended polio immunization campaign in the Quetta block besides issues related to the security.
Speaking on the occasion, the Secretary Health said that the polio immunization could not be carried out due to non-provision of the security. However, still there is a need to make the immunization campaign more effective.
He said that the newly elected councilors and other public representatives of the areas would be included in the anti-Polio campaign. They would also monitor the campaign in their respective areas, he stressed.
Noorul Haq Baloch believed that the campaign would be made successful with active participation of the elected representatives.
The participants also put forth their recommendations in the meeting.
They also assured their wholehearted support to the government in its initiatives being taken for polio eradication in the province.
Meanwhile, the meeting also reviewed the matters for making the campaign against measles effective.