No compromise over issue of security of schools, says Commissioner Schools lacking required security arrangements under NAP to be closed, asserts Kambar Dashti

  • March 11, 2015, 10:43 pm
  • Breaking News

HQ City Report

QUETTA: The Commissioner Quetta Division, Kambar Dashti has categorically stated that no compromise could be made on the issue of security of the schools as the life of children dear to us.
Talking to the media here on Wednesday, the Commissioner said that the clear directives had already been issued to the management of the schools regarding security measures to be adopted by them in light of the National Action Plan (NAP).
Meetings were also held with the management of the schools including those running in the private sectors, he mentioned.
A committee headed by the Deputy Commissioner Quetta and SSP Operations was constituted to review the security measures adopted by the schools.
The committee is going to submit its report by Sunday next, so the action would be taken in light of the recommendations of the committee, the Commissioner maintained.
The schools lacking the desired security measures would not be allowed to run and thus be closed until and unless they make the arrangements in this regard.
The security measures which are to be adopted by the schools are included: raising the boundary walls upto seven feet, laying of barbed wire there, establishment of guard room and other ones.
The Commissioner on the occasion also mentioned that over 500 schools including public and private are running in Quetta city.
While the school administration would also ensure security of the schools through Close Circuit TV cameras to be installed in the schools to monitor the safety measures. Moreover, the walk through gates would also be placed at entry points of the schools. There would also be arrangement for search of the school bags of the students coming to the schools, it was also decided.
No one would be allowed to park their vehicles near the educational institutions.
The security guards would also be deployed on rooftop of the institutions with watch towers to be established there.