Impressive painting exhibition at SBKWU

  • March 17, 2015, 10:56 am
  • Breaking News

HQ City Report

QUETTA: A painting exhibition was arranged at the Sardar Bahadur Khan Women University (SBKWU) here the other day.
The painting and art work of three students of Fine Arts Department of the University was put on display in the exhibition.
The student artists highlighted the art and culture of the province in their paintings. In all over 100 art pieces were displayed in the exhibition, which were visited by the students and some other art lovers and the literary personalities.
The beautiful and scenic natural landscape of the province was also portrayed well in the paintings.
The prominent literary person and Regional Director of Pakistan Academy of Letters Quetta, Afzal Murad, who was also among those visiting the art exhibition, appreciated the work rather hard work put in by the young arts in the paintings.
He said that it is appreciable that there is a lot of talent in our students, which also reflects in their work displayed in the exhibition.
He stressed the need to encourage the young talent in a big way both at the official level and otherwise.