Execution of two prisoners stayed

  • April 10, 2015, 10:59 am
  • Breaking News

MACH(PPI): Execution of two real brothers prisoners was stayed due to reconciliation between parties concerned in wee hours at Central Jail here Thursday.
According to Superintendent Central Jail Mach Ishaq Zehri two real brothers Miro Gul and Ai Gul were to be hanged to death today. They had killed two persons Bakhtiar and Ghulam Hussain in Bakhtiarabad by removing them from a bus. Anti Terrorism Court Sibi had sentenced them to capital punishment on January 28, 2004.
After rejection of their mercy petition by the President on March 30, Balochistan Home Department issued their death Warrants. Reconciliation reached between parties concerned one hour before execution which was presented to Superintendent Mach jail after approval of Judicial Magistrate and their execution was stayed.
Superintendent told that this reconciliation would be sent to concerned Court for further action.