Delegation of senior citizens visits BUITEMS

  • May 15, 2015, 10:09 am
  • Education News

HQ City Report

QUETTA: A delegation of the senior citizens led by the prominent social worker, Senator (Retd) Mrs. Roshan Khursheed Bharucha visited the Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEMS) the other day.
The delegation was comprised the former Federal Secretary and Vice Chancellor of Balochistan University, Ghulam Muhammad Taj, Senator (Retd) Saifullah Paracha, former Secretary Health, Taufiq Ahmed Khan, former Secretary Finance, Chaudhary Muhammad Hussain and other members.
The Vice Chancellor of BUITEMS, Ahmed Farooq Bazai briefed the visiting senior citizens about the overall performance and functioning of the University.