Team formed for quick response to epidemic diseases in Quetta

  • October 13, 2015, 8:09 pm
  • Breaking News


QUETTA: The Provincial Health Department has formed a team for quick response and care of the epidemic diseases in Balochistan.
According to an official notification issued here by the Planning Cell of the Health Department, the Director General of Health Services would head the team.
The members of the committee are included: Director (Public Health), NPO Surveillance and Response, World Health Organization (WHO), FELTP Technical Officer, EPI Medical Officer, Public Health Specialist, PPHI, Chief Office, Statistics, DHIS, Chief Health Education Officer and the attached fellows of PDSRU, FELTP.
It may be mentioned here that the Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) Surveillance Cell has been set up at the Provincial Directorate of Health here in Quetta.
According to an official hand out issued here by the Health Department, the Surveillance Cell would function in collaboration with the Health Department and World Health Organization (WHO). The Director General of Health Services would head the CCHF.
The NPO of WHO, Dr. Dawood Riaz Baloch would co-chair the Surveillance Cell. Other members included in the Cell are included: Medical Superintendent of Fatima Jinnah Chest and General Hospital Quetta, Incharge Isolation Ward of the same Hospital, Director Public Health and Provincial Technical Officer, FELTP.