Amir JI Balochistan grieved over deaths in Khairpur

  • October 31, 2015, 9:52 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA Oct 31 (PPI): Amir Jamaat Islami Baochstan Abdul haq Hashmi while expressing grief and sorrow voer deaths durign local bodies polls in Khairpur area of Sindh has said that making elections peaceful is resposniblity of the government. Unfortunately neither electiosna re transparent nor peaceuflin our country. With the result precious lives are lost which is matter of grave concern. Government, security forces and Election Commission should play their role for making elections in the country transparent and peaceful.
He was speaking with different delegations at his office here Saturday.
He said loss of human lives during elections is clear proof of government’s failure and it is condemnable. Elections are which are transparent and peaceful and leadership of people’s choice comes forward. Threats, abudance of money, rigging,tussles and killings have lost people’s trust in elections which is not good for he nation.
It is duty fo govenrmetn anmd election Commisison to provide peaceful, inspendent and just atmosphere foruse of votes and implement election laws.He sid true change can take place which political partie snadcandidates respect elecitonrulesand pricniels.