Admissions continues in Turbat Universitty for Spring Semester

  • November 12, 2015, 7:19 pm
  • Breaking News


QUETTA: The admissions are continued in different subjects for Spring Semester 2016 in the Turbat University.
According to an announcement made by the Turbat University, last date of submission of the admission forms for BBA, MBA and MBA Executive Programme in the Management Sciences department, BCS and MCS Programme in the Computer Science department, BS and MSc. Programme in Chemistry department, B.Ed., B.Ed (Honours), M.Ed and M.A Programme in Education department, B.Com and M.Com programme in Commerce department, Master Programmes in Economics, Political Science and English Literature and M.A and M. Phil Programme in Balochi Literature has been fixed as November 30, 2015.
Meanwhile, Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences has informed the candidates applying for admission in the University that their entry test is scheduled to be held at 09:00 AM on November 15 at the Lasbela University Uthal campus and Information Technology University Quetta.
According to an announcement, the test of candidates who have applied for DVM and BS-Agriculture would be conducted at 02:30 PM on November 15 at the Lasbela University Uthal campus and Islamia High School McCongy road.
However, the candidates who have applied for M.A and M.Sc. programmes have been informed that their admission test has been postponed for time being.
The date of admission test would be fixed after declaration of the result of B.A and B.Sc.