Condolence reference held for BKU martyrs at BUET Khuzdar

  • January 22, 2016, 10:27 pm
  • Breaking News


QUETTA: A condolence reference was held for the martyrs of the Bacha Khan University (BKU) Charsaddah at the Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology, Khuzdar the other day.
The Vice Chancellor, BUET Khuzdar, Brigadier ® Muhammad Amin, faculty members, students and all other staff members of the University attended the condolence reference.
Fateha khawani was offered for the departed souls of those martyred in the attack of terrorists on BKU, Charsaddah. They martyrs were also paid tributes on their sacrifice.
Speaking on the occasion, the Vice Chancellor of BUET prayed for the martyrs and said that the teachers, students and other staff of the BKU have set a living example of bravery by rendering sacrifice of their lives in the terrorist attack.
He also said that the incident of terrorism has once again revealed the cruel face of the enemy to the entire world.
However, the entire nation is determined to eliminate the menace of terrorism together with the Pak army with determination, he said.
Brigadier ® Muhammad Amin presented salute to the BKU martyrs saying that we salute them and their sacrifice would not go wasted at all.
He also pledged that we would fulfill the mission of the martyrs.