DS Railways-Chamber

  • January 25, 2016, 10:00 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA Jan 25 (PPI): Putting railways system in Balochistan was priority of federal ministers for railways and his in person than earning money. If people associated with trade support us we can ensure all possible facilities to them along Pak-Iran and Pak-Afghan track. Mass Transit Train system would be completed in Quetta at meager funds of Rupees 2 billion. We desire to run two trains on monthly basis with Iran. Work on track in Balochistan and bringing new engines was underway.
This was stated by Divisional Superintendent Pakistan Railways Quetta Davison Muhammad Haneef Gul while speaking with members and office bearers of Chamber of Commerce and Industry at a meeting here Monday.
President QCCI Jamal Tarakai told that at his meeting with Federal Railways minister Khwaja Saaed Rafiq expressed desire Chamber and business community should support him. He said goods train was destroyed in the past under a planned conspiracy. Not only bogies were disappeared but goods was also no reached at the destinations for months. We want that those associated with trade and commerce should benefit from railways system.
DS Railways said that he has been directed by railways minister to fully activate railways system in Balochistan. Railways is a national institution and symbol of solidarity of the country. We want Pakistan’s economy should become engine of economy of the region and its work should be carried out by traders of Balochistan.
He said we propose dot Chief Minister for running mass transit train in Quetta and he immediately accepted it. To run 40 Km mass transit train project would cost Rupees two billion. We are also continuing installation of new stations, level crossings and others. He said he does not want life of a single person is lost at any level crossing. People would find him business friendly, pro masses and pro Balochistani.
DS Raiwlays said proposal for reviving Pak-Iran and Pak-Afghan track rather recommendations have also been submitted to Railways ministry for railway engines. Railways would now be modern.
He said it is vision of railways minister that like Karachi and Punjab green lines railways should be run in Balochistan and Khyber Pashtoonkhwa.
He said every effort would be made to end problems and difficulties of those associated with trade.
He said two trains monthly basis are being planned with Iran. Two would run form here and two would arrive from Iran. He said condition of track is very bad. He said he was also ready to run business and cargo train between Quetta and Chaman besides passenger train and he requires support and cooperation of people and business people.