Machinery, medicines purchased transparently: Health Minister

  • April 12, 2016, 9:54 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA Apr 12 (PPI): Machinery and medicines in the health department have been purchased in very transparent manner meeting all legal requirements. Some elements were making wrong propaganda for their personal gains which would be unveiled before masses and media shortly.
This was stated by Provincial health Minister Rehmat Saleh Baloch while speaking with Newsmen here Tuesday.
He said providing basic facilities is among priorities of the government. When we assumed power all the departments including health department had reached to the brink of collapse. All these departments have been restored today by the grace of Allah almighty.
He said due to efforts of former Chief Minister Dr Abdul Malik Baloch 500 stunt were purchased meeting all legal requirements by issuing advertisements in major national newspapers. So far 462 of these have been provided to deserving and poor patients free of cost.
He said some elements for their personal gains wanted ot sabotage this programme. We want to tell them that they would not succeed in their nefarious designs. Soon Media and people would be apprised of such elements.
Answering a question Rehmat Baloch said 4092 patients have been provide d with angiography and over 997 angioplasty form June 13, 2014.
Answering another question he said for the first time in Balochistan history supply of stunt to heart patients free of cost was being ensured. Some elements for fear of closure of their business have unleashed negative propaganda.
Replying to another question he said that after 15 years purchase of machinery and medicines has been ensured through a committee and health department has complete record of it.