Launching ceremony of Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN)

  • April 19, 2016, 10:01 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA Apr 19 (PPI): Launching ceremony of Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) with support of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was held here Tuesday to bring an understanding across the province about the factors that enable good nutrition and, conversely, the factors that also cause under-nutrition, which include insufficient protein-energy intake; poor health; inadequate child care and feeding practices, unsafe water and unhygienic conditions.
Provincial Minister for Planning and Development Dr. Hamid Khan Achakzai along with Deputy Country Representative, Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) Francisco Gamarro witnessed the ceremony.
Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) Movement in Pakistan highlighted that malnutrition levels in the country are among the worst in the world. The findings of a 2011 National Nutrition Survey (NNS) suggested that core mother-and-child nutrition indicators had improved by only a small degree over the previous decade. The improvements were noted in percentage of underweight children and in use of iodized salt. The percentage of children found underweight had decreased from 42 percent in 2001 to 31.5 percent in 2011. As many as 69.1 per cent of the households surveyed in 2011 were found using iodized salt compared to 17 per cent in 2001.
The percentage of children suffering from stunted growth in the country was third highest in the world and stunted growth had been observed in around 9.6 million (45 per cent) children. Another 15.1 per cent children among the population were suffering from acute malnutrition. Iron deficiency (anemia) was found in 61.9 percent of respondents, zinc deficiency in 39.2 percent and Vitamin D deficiency in 40 percent. The percentage of children found deficient in Vitamin A was more than that observed in the previous survey.
The Minister assured the gathering that the provincial government is working on a plan to fix the problem. I hope the SUN movement and the multi-sector nutrition strategy initiative will help us improve nutrition levels in the province.
Francisco Gamarro, Deputy Country Representative, FAO, representatives from UNICEF, WHO, WFP, MI, and international and local NGOs participated in the event.
Deputy Country Representative, FAO assured the Government of Balochistan for its continuous support. He appreciated the role of Government of Balochistan in addressing problem of malnutrition. While appreciating the efforts of the Government in addressing the malnutrition, he highlighted that the efficiency with which the Government is dealing with the crisis can be used as a successful model in countries with similar situations.
Speaking on the occasion Planning and development Minister appreciated the role of FAO and other partners as a valuable partner in addressing malnutrition in Balochistan.
The Minister also congratulates SUN team for the efforts made and makes SUN Secretariat a reality.
Dr Mubarik Ali, Member Planning Commission mentioned that fortunately, evidence tells us that focusing on the nutrition of pregnant mothers and babies under the age of two is critical, because in these critical 1000 days, as we call them, the foundation can be laid for a healthy life.
Dr. Nomeena Anis, Nutritionist and Gender Focal Person FAO highlighted that It is pertinent to mention here that Balochistan is the most underdeveloped province of Pakistan and has a very poor health and nutrition situation. According to the 2011 National Nutrition Survey, the prevalence of stunting in Balochistan is 52.2 %, amongst the highest in the world. The prevalence of wasting is 16.1%, exceeding the WHO-threshold of 15%, indicating a public health emergency. Women and children also suffer from some of the world’s highest levels of vitamin and mineral deficiencies with maternal anemia at 47.3% and Vitamin A deficiency in children at 74%. Based on current trends, Balochistan is not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Having above facts and figures of malnutrition in Balochistan, the province is in state of emergency as per WHO threshold.
Aslam Shaheen, Chief Nutrition Planning Commission and National SUN Focal Point while reading message from Prof. Ahsan Iqbal, Federal Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms underlined that If we want to address issues of malnutrition we would need long term sustained initiatives. This includes food security, child protection, gender dynamics which calls for nutrition sensitive interventions such as programs aimed at poverty alleviation, empowering women, targeted agriculture safety nets and early childhood development programs and called for a collective societal approach, whereby all segments of society such as media, government, civil society and public work in collaboration to provide an enabling environment which puts the issue of malnutrition at the center stage.
Shah Jehan, Chief Nutrition / Balochistan SUN Focal Point, Government of Balochistan informed that Multi-sectoral approach has been adopted to reduce malnutrition. The provincial Nutrition Policy Guidance Notes and Strategy and SUN roadmaps have been developed and approved within the parametres of the Vision 2025.
The SUN Movement Secretariat at provincial level will enhance strong coordination and collaboration at each level for implementation of multi-sectoral strategy and development of M&E system. This will also develop linkages among all public sector departments, SUN Networks and the Global SUN Movement Secretariat. The Global SUN Movement working through networks, that is, donors, UN, Civil Society Alliance (CSA) and business. In Pakistan, government, donors, UN, Civil Society Alliance (CSA) are functioning, whereas business, and research and academia networks are going to be established to streamline SUN Movement innovative approaches.
Minister Said that all of Pakistan’s development partners, are committed to supporting the Government and people of Pakistan to scale up and sustain nutrition interventions that focus on the 1000 days, as well as those that adopt multi-sectoral community based approaches. We also remain committed to providing innovative ideas and technical expertise so that together we can build “A Healthy Nation through Proper Nutrition.”
Minister said I fully assured the gathering that the provincial assembly would fully cooperate with efforts to raise nutrition levels in the province. However, the extent of the crisis required concerted efforts in coordination with the civil society including national and international humanitarian organizations, the private sector, educational institutes as well as community-based organizations.
Minister said that Balochistan is resourceful province but the previous governments have not given enough attention to improving nutrition levels. An estimated three to four percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) is lost every year because of high levels of iron-, iodine- and protein-deficiency in the population. Due to corruption and no democratic institution are responsible for this negligence.
He mentioned that today the democratic government with support of law enforcement agencies is committed to fight against terror in a coordinated manner. Once the terrorism is buried we will be able to focus on the malnutrition issue with full energy and commitment. He stressed for parliament supremacy to continue with our effort to address malnutrition.
DrAchakzai, minister for planning and development said that with strong political democratic institutions in the country each department whether it’s Health, Education or Agriculture will got space to intervene in their domain to address malnutrition issue at priority.
Dr Baseer Khan Achakzai, National Manager for Nutrition and Secretary National Food Fortification Alliance has concluded the ceremony by saying that malnourished children cannot produce a healthy nation, and cannot produce even labor. He stressed for a joint effort including all stakeholders.