CM visits Shangai Hong Chiao Central Business District

  • April 26, 2016, 10:09 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA Apr 26 (PPI): Balochistan Chief Minister Nawab Sanaullah Zehri and Federal minister for planning and Development Ahsna Iqbal currently vesting China visited Shangai Hong Chiao Central Business District along with members of their delegation.
His visit is aimed to hold talks with Chinese officials for establishing free trade zones under economic Corridor and transportation projects keeping in view Chinese experience special economic zones could be setup in Balochistan.
Chief Minister and his delegation was told that the area is hub of transport network for eastern coast of China which not only links with train, road and aerial routes to commercial and business system with economic zones but also link China with entire world.
Delegaiton sought information about basic infrastructure, electricity, gas and water supply as well as communciaotn system. It also visited Shangai Free Traezone where on the pattern of Shangai Special Free Trade zone Chinese authorities were talked about estalbishign free trade zone in Gwadar.
Chief Minsiter said that developmentof Gwadar and estalbishign free trade zoen in context with economic corridtor is priority of government. He expressed the hoep that China would provide full tehcncial and ffinancial assistance for over all development of Gwadar.
Chief Minister and members of his delegation expressed keen inheres in Shangai Special Trade Zone management and different aspects of business particularly registration of investors companies of one window operation and facilities being extended to them.
Delegation also visited sSangai comprehensive transport hub and reviewed transportation system.