Mastung attack was coward act - Ghaoor Hydri
- May 18, 2017, 10:59 pm
- Breaking News
QUETTA May 18 (PPI): Deputy Chairman Senate and Secretary General Jamait Ulemae Islam Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Hydri has said Mastung attack was coward act in which enemy targeted him but Allah Almighty kept him safe. There will be change with the blood of martyrs. Pakistan is nuclear State and it cannot be harmed. Indian agent was caught in Pakistan who was involved in terrorist acts. We would defend ideological and geographical frontiers of our country. Pakistan came into being in the name of Islam and would exist till Qiamat.
He said this while addressing a Press conference here Thursday.
Earlier a condolence reference and Quran Khwnai was held for martyrs of Mastung incident.
Maulana Hydri said JUI is only political and religious party which supported suppressed masses and opposed terrorism in every era. Whatever tactics enemy may use against us, we would not leave suppressed people along but would continue voice for rights of oppressed people and their security.
He said Mastung incident is open terror act and all the political parties have condemned and expressed solidarity with martyrs and injured people. He said all the political and religious parties is stand against terrorism on one page then enemy which was committing terrorist acts in different names including Indian ad Afghan agencies can foil them.
He said India did not admit Pakistan’s freedom and she wanted to make Pakistan target of instability. We want to tell India Pakistan is a nuclear and Islamic State. The way enemy’s intentions were foiled by librating the country, similarly all efforts would be mobilized to maintain Pakistan. Pakistan should not be taken as easy target.
Answering a question he said he cannot be level allegation to any one nor can be involve dint he incident. Agencies were probing the matter and hopefully they would reveal facts soon. We would neither bow before terrorists nor stop our movement rather would go to the people soon to give party message.