Senator Sirajul Haq

  • November 22, 2017, 10:14 pm
  • Breaking News

QUETTA Nov 22 (PPI): Amir Jamaat Islami Pakistan Senator Sirajul Haq expressed solidarity with people protesting against NADRA behavior and Disabled people during his visit to their camps here Wednesday.
He was accompanied by Amir JI Balochistan Abdul Haq Hashmi and others.
People protesting for blockage of identity cards by NADRA told him that NADRA officials were committing excesses with people of Balochistan for preparing new cards. They put new conditions every time. Cards of aged people women and others are not prepared for years together. Procedure for new and blocked cards should be made speedy and easier.
Later Sirajul Haq visited camp of disabled people. Responsible told that government did not provide any incentives and facility to disabled people. They were suffering for tow times bread, employment and education. Government should start income support programme for them. They should be provided with motorcycles wheel chairs, hearing aids. At the educational institutions, NGOs disabled should be provided quota and its implementation should be ensured.
Speaking at these camps Sirajul Haq supported their demands and said unfortunately disabled, students, widows, orphans problems were not being paid attention with the results people and others were also affected. He said he talked with high officials on the matter several times and would also talk to Interior Ministry and high ups and would also raise voice at the Senate. Government should make ease process of issuance of cards.