No load shedding being conducted in country except power theft areas, NA told

  • February 14, 2018, 5:35 pm
  • Science & Technology News

No load shedding being conducted in country except power theft areas, NA told

ISLAMABAD, Feb 14 (INP): No load shedding is being conducted in the country as present power generation capacity is sufficient to cater present electricity demand, State Minister for Water and Power Chaudhry Abid Sher Ali told National Assembly on Wednesday.

Responding to a Question of Tahira Aurangzeb in the House during Question Hour, he said load management is being carried out nowadays only in high loss feeders.

Due to theft on high loss feeders load management is being observed as per schedule to save national exchequer. Two hours load management is being observed in the areas having 10 to 30 percent AT&C (Aggregate Technical and Commercial) losses.

He said four hours load management is being observed in the areas having upto 30 to 40 percent AT&C losses. Likewise six hours load management is being observed in the areas having 40 to 60 percent AT&C losses. Eight hours load management is being observed in the feeders having 60 to 80 percent AT&C losses. And 12 hours load management is being observed in the feeders enduring 80 percent and above AT&C losses.

He said electricity theft have been reduced by 1.8 percent in the last 4.5 years. Provincial governments did not cooperate with relevant Power Distribution Companies (DISCOs). Many areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have become virtually no go areas for officials of relevant DISCO.