Six 6 labourers gunned down in Kharan, Balochistan

  • May 4, 2018, 6:52 pm
  • Breaking News

Six 6 labourers gunned down in Kharan, Balochistan

QUETTA, May 04 (INP): At least six workers were killed and another sustained injuries when some unidentified armed men opened firing at them in Kharan area here on Friday.

According to security agency Levies, the victims belonging to Punjab were hired by a private mobile phone company for work at a tower.

The officers said that corpses were shifted to the hospital for medical assistance whereas investigation into the matter has also been launched.

Earlier, gunmen killed 20 construction workers in the province of Balochistan, shooting them at point blank range after identifying they were not local.

"Gunmen stormed the camp of labourers in Gokh Don area of Baluchistan and killed 20 labourers," senior police official Tariq Khilji.

"The labourers were working on construction of a small local bridge," administration official Akbar Hussain Durranisaid. He said some of the labourers reported being woken from their sleep by the sound of gunshots and screams.

Balochistan is plagued by violence, with separatists seeking greater control over the provinceís rich oil, gas and mineral resources, and gunmen have previously targeted outsiders seen as settlers.