MQM criticises Rangers’ raid on party office

  • October 1, 2013, 6:52 pm
  • National News

KARACHI, October 01 (Online): Rabita (coordination) committee of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Tuesday while expressing serious concerns about on-going Karachi operation strongly criticised ranger’s raid on MQM’s office in Landhi area took place on the same day.

Speaking on the occasion, MQM member Dr Saghir Ahmad has said that Rangers took 15 MQM workers into custody after the raid on Rabita office on Tuesday.

He added that the workers were tortured after taking into custody, adding wrong impression about arrested workers is being misconstrued as being terrorists.

Dr Saghir Ahmad demanded to public the identification of arrested people who were captured during the on-going operation.

He mentioned that terrorists were given a chance to run away from the city.
“City has been left on the mercy of terrorists”, he said.

While condemning the raid on MQM office, Ahmad said that raid on MQM Rabita office is unreason, adding he said that it has been assured before operation that none of political party would be targeted, he added.

He demanded that to arrest the criminals present them before the courts.

Dr Saghir Ahmad also demanded of the government to keep an eagle eye on the operation.