M_Hussain bugti's Profile
1165profile visits
Business Listings Lourdes Hotel Quetta LOURDES HOTEL Sheikh Rehan Mohsin Staff College Road, Cantt., Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan Phone: 9281-2829660 / 2829656 / 2829657 / 2829658 Fax: 9281-2841352 Iqra University Quetta Iqra University is honored to have been chartered by the Government of Sindh vide Sindh Government Ordinance No.VI of 2000. It has campuses in all four provinces of Pakistan and also collaborates with reputed foreign institutes. It provides a range o... national Hospital Quetta National hospital is one of the private hospitals in quetta. Meezan Bank There are three branches of meezan bank in quetta.One of this is situated at Mannan chowk Jinnah Science Coaching Center Quetta "come to gain and leave to serve" Jinnah Science Coaching Center New Killi Quetta ,Vigoursly announces free admission for class five to 9th and 10th till FSC. under the supervion of highly qualified teachers from karachi special focus on scientific ... |