NazeerAhmed Kakar's Profile
1142profile visits
Business Listings University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (UET) The University of Engineering and Technology (main) located in the northern part of Lahore on the historical "Grand Trunk Road (G.T. Road)", near the magnificent Shalimar Gardens built during the great Mughal Empire. The institution started its care... Government Science College, Quetta Government Science College, Quetta is the only Boys Degree Science College of Quetta City. It serves huge number of Students each year. Address: Govt: Science College, Jinnah Road, Quetta. Techlogix Lahore Techlogix provides domain experts and strong technology implementation teams who deliver breakthrough performance for our customers. With over 300 employees worldwide, we have the ability to deliver complex solutions for large enterprises. A key fact... AL ARABI RESTAURANT AL ARABI RESTAURANT +92-51-2261848 Shehnaz Plaza, F-8 Markaz, Islamaabd Owned By: Mr. Zahid Amin Shahdra Railway Station Lahore Shahdra Railway station is situated new Lahore Railway station. It's railway junction for Faisalabad and Rawalpindi cities. |