No SMS available to show here.Business Listings Shiza Travel & Tours (Pvt) Ltd. International & Domestic Tickets of All Airlines, Visa Assist Facilitation & Processing, Business, Incentive, Leisure, Religious & Group Travel, Sight Seeing & Inbound/Outbound Tours, Hajj, Ummrah & Vacation Packages, Hotel Reservation / Accommodatio... Marriott Hotel, Karachi Marriott Hotel is located in the city of light “Karachi”, opposite Frere Hall and Park. It used to be Holiday Inn hotel in past and was renovated and converted into Marriott hotel. The hotel offers 300 rooms with amenities of an 8 star hotel, 4 r... Allied Bank Allied Bank Pashtoonabaad Branch Gawalmandi Chowak Quetta Branch Code: 0140705 Allied Bank is a commercial bank in Pakistan. Allied Bank, with its registered Offices in Karachi and Lahore, is one of the largest banks within the country with over 90... Afzal Jewelers - AJ - Liberty Market, Lahore Deals in all kind of Jewelery. national Hospital Quetta National hospital is one of the private hospitals in quetta. |