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No SMS available to show here.Business Listings Iqra University Quetta Iqra University is honored to have been chartered by the Government of Sindh vide Sindh Government Ordinance No.VI of 2000. It has campuses in all four provinces of Pakistan and also collaborates with reputed foreign institutes. It provides a range o... Game View Studios Lahore Gameview Studios is a leading publisher of free-to-play games for iOS, Android and other mobile platforms. Founded in 2010, Gameview is committed to building high-quality games that are social, engaging and fun for audiences of all ages. The company ... Eastern Farms Milk Outlet PCSIR Society Lahore In PCSIR Phase 2 Eastern Farms products can be purchased from U-Mart shopping center. Eastern Dairy Farm is one of the finest dairy farms in Pakistan that is being operated as per international standards and is also recognized and approved by the En... Jamia Ashrafia Lahore Jamia Ashrafia, Lahore a premier seat of Islamic learning was founded by an extremely pious dignitary Maulana Mufti Muhammad Hassan (RA) in September 1947, soon zafter the creation of Pakistan; and since then it has been serving the cause of Islamic ... SMART OFFICE - Designing, Printing & Office Work We Offer Best Quality Designing, Printing & Office Work.Designing & Printing:Bill Book, Letter Head, Wedding Card, Visiting Card, PVC Card, Pemphlet, Brochure, Penaflex Board,... |