No SMS available to show here.Business Listings Dolphin bakers ( Brewery Road ) 3rd branch of Dolphin Bakery,situated at petrol pump neare Sabrina Restuarant Jamia masjid Darurashad this masjid situated at jaffar khan jamali road chaman phatk quetta.khateeb masjib Dr.Atturehman,who is also running a hospital Alhajri,alkhidmat hospital.founder of the Masjid is Molana abdul aziz father of Dr Attaurehman AL ZOHAIB AL ZOHAIB 2D corrolla car service. From Quetta to Karachi, Quetta to Islamabad, Quetta to Lahore, Quetta to Peshawar. Door to door service. Sales and Marketing We are a cctv camera Providers and Events Management company in Pakistan we are Open a new Branch office in Quetta city Imperial Bakers and General Store One of the oldest bakery of quetta Situated at mission road |