No SMS available to show here.Business Listings Iqra University Quetta Iqra University is honored to have been chartered by the Government of Sindh vide Sindh Government Ordinance No.VI of 2000. It has campuses in all four provinces of Pakistan and also collaborates with reputed foreign institutes. It provides a range o... Marriott Hotel, Karachi Marriott Hotel is located in the city of light “Karachi”, opposite Frere Hall and Park. It used to be Holiday Inn hotel in past and was renovated and converted into Marriott hotel. The hotel offers 300 rooms with amenities of an 8 star hotel, 4 r... Shalimar hotel One of the best hotel for Tea Afzal Jewelers - AJ - Liberty Market, Lahore Deals in all kind of Jewelery. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Microsoft Dynamics 365 in Pakistan is next era of smart business applications that allows organizations to evolve, increase and grow. It basically allows a business to have its applications and programs in the cloud. MS Dynamics 365 implemented by T... |