So Many Time
I Thought I'd Never Find Sum1 To Love Me d Way I Needed 2 B Loved Then U Came In My Life & Showed Me Wh8 True Love Really Is :) Happy Valentine's Day
Love Is A Driver ... Bitter And Fierce If You Fight And Resist Him, Easy-going, Once You Acknowledge His Power . . . :)
Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind and therefore is winged cupid painted blind ... :) ~ shakespare ~
I don't understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon.
48 2 Members can sit in a Bus. 5 1 can sit in a Car. 3 1 can sit in a auto 1 1 can sit in a Bike. Only 1 can sit in my Heart, That's 'U' My dear valentine
Its d Month of Kisses,Surprises, Proposals n Dates, Chocolates n Gifts, Hugs n LuvSongs It's feb.. Wishng u a Love filled Valentine Month..!!
Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and lay from your heart. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY
U r d beat of my heart Lover of my soul I'll never leave U & never wanna U let go U r d beat of my heart d 1 that make me sing d 1 who makes me smile & I never seem to cry U r d beat of my heart d 1 I really love Don't let me out of Ur sight For I'm yours by heart Happy Valentine's Day
To Give Pleasure To A Single Heart By A Single Act Is Better Than A Thousand Heads Bowing In Prayer
My Heart To You Is Given, Oh Dear, Do Give Yours To Me, We'll Lock Them Up Together And Throw Away The Key :)
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